Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vocabulary: Quiz Monday!!!!
Strident – loud, clamorous
Implicit – implied, hidden, unspoken
Bourgeois – middle class
Emulate – imitate, copy
Avail – reward, benefit
Baleful – vindictive, threatening
Nebulous – vague, hazy, imprecise
Vacillate – waver, fluctuate, to be indecisive
Modicum – a little bit, degree, small amount
Haute – arrogant, conceit

Life is a text,
a story, and everything that exists within your own particular life, exists in the world of literature.

*Authors write to question and understand their life, their role in it. They write about what they know.

CHARACTERIZATION - Just as people define you and who you are influences your perception, the same goes for people in a book.

POINT OF VIEW – We evaluate reality according to our perception

EVENT/EPISODE – We talk about what happens to us, especially events that are out of the ordinary or episodes in life that define us in society. Both joy and suffering are possible.

TONE – Well, tone is a nuance that is the underbelly of everything said to us, seen by us.
It is how we detect whether or not to proceed with caution when asking mom/dad for money!

SETTING – Time, place and culture mean everything.

IRONY – Things that happen but shouldn’t - this is all life, and all life is pretty ironic.

SYMBOLISM – Human beings love symbols. Your first teddy bear isn’t just a teddy bear, or you wouldn’t still have it – we equate memories, emotions with concrete things.

STRUCTURE – This will make or break you, it even becomes part of your personality. Are you organized, do you lose everything, what’s your style? Same for books, they have an overarching style that defines them.

DIALOGUE – Language and words are important. What we say and what is said to us influences everything.

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