Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DO NOW: Contemplate the following in a brief paragraph.

Does ignorance excuse racism?
If you were told something that could be construed as a "racial" remark by a close friend what would you do? Whoa--not so fast, let’s say it was nothing "in your face", nothing "outright or blatant" rather an “off the cuff” remark. Would you feel impelled to pick up your sword, choose a side and wage war? Would you blindly walk away choosing the road of denial? Would you settle somewhere in between the two extremes and confront the individual knowing that your friendship hangs in the balance and that with one wrong word uttered the dynamics of this trusting relationship can change forever?

Vocabulary: Quiz Monday, 9/20

Strident – loud, clamorous
Implicit – implied, hidden, unspoken
Bourgeois – middle class
Emulate – imitate, copy
Avail – reward, benefit
Baleful – vindictive, threatening
Nebulous – vague, hazy, imprecise
Vacillate – waver, fluctuate, to be indecisive
Modicum – a little bit, degree, small amount
Haute – arrogant, conceit

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