Wednesday, September 8, 2010

English 10 Regents 2010-2011
J. Molloy: 914.669.5414 ext.2193

Course Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 9

Course Description:
This course is designed to aid students to read and analyze literature from a variety of genres and to respond to literature critically through writing, speaking, and reflecting. Students will also continue developing and honing language arts skills that focus on writing, reading comprehension and expression, critical analysis, vocabulary, and grammar. A strong emphasis will be placed on expository writing. Students will also extensively prepare for the Regents exam in June.

Curriculum Highlights:
· Research paper: compare and contrast topics of a literary work from the time it was written to the present
· SAT vocabulary preparation
· Memoirs portfolio final project
· Creative writing
· Expository writing focusing on literary response and expression and critical analysis and evaluation
· Socratic seminars that allow students to critically participate and delve into literature
· Test debate / test analysis
· Preparation for the NYS Regents exam, including practice exams

Works of Literature (in order)
Color of Water James McBride
The Lord of the Flies William Golding
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
Night Elie Wiesel
Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien
An Independent Read

Helpful Suggestions to Students:
Purchase a three-ring binder, dividers and a folder to be used solely for this course. Students are expected to maintain their binders in an organized fashion and to bring their binders to class daily. Concerning assignments, students should review their notes and class-work frequently and they also should plan ahead as much as possible.

Grading Policy:
Writing: 40%
Examinations: 30%
Journals/Blogs: 20%
Homework/Participation: 10%

Attendance and Tardiness:
Attendance and punctuality are crucial to participation and success in this course. Unexcused absences will be treated according to the North Salem High School cut policy. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any work he/she has missed due to an excused absence or lateness. Late passes are due upon the arrival of class. Three unexcused latenesses will result in detention.

Extra Help:
Extra help will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room W-24 from 2:15-2:55, or by appointment.

Make Up/Late Work:
Students will make up work within 5 days from the date of the legal absence. Lateness of projects and papers will result in a deduction per day until the work is submitted.

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