Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Click on the LIFE magazine image, to launch photo Red Cross "Years of Hope."


Complete section 6


  1. I noticed that all the images in the slideshow have a common idea, they all have to do with tragic international events. These are really hard for me to see, all the images are horrible. I dont understand how people can let others suffer, especially young children. It breaks my heart to see people going through such tough circumstances. It really makes me realize that my life here in the United States is really good and im very lucky.

  2. These pictures really shocked me. I never thought about how good my life is untill i saw what some poeple go through on a daily basis with not being able to walk normally or missing an arm.

  3. In many of these photos there are people clearly struggling in many ways. There was one 11 year old boy separated by his parents, A woman whose son was killed protesting, A rape victim, and many more people in painful situations. However, the point of these photos is to show that there is always hope in the world no matter how difficult times may be. One photo showed a woman whose four kids went missing. After months, the family was miraculously reunited. The photo with the counselor and the rape victim shows someone lending a helping hand. It shows that somebody is always there to listen and give hope to your life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Unbelievable, mind-boggling,implausible

  6. These pictures express sadness, and shows all the struggles that many people throughout the world go through, and its frightening to see. Many of us live our lives without any worries, including myself. We don’t realize how easy we get it, many people struggle to get at least one bite of food a day, or a place to sleep. Looking at these pictures makes me appreciate my life more and be grateful for the things that I have.

  7. I find it sad that people are being killed and losing limbs and homes. These pictures are quite sad, and i find it odd that these things can happen to people while other countries are so much better off.

  8. its terrible to see the things that go on around the world, these pictures show the true things that happen without someone like me being aware of it. i was in shock when i saw these pictures, i couldnt believe how terrible some peoples lives are and how good my life is.

  9. I chose the picture of the amputees playing football. This image is very inspiring for people that have lost limbs or have disabilities. These people that have lost their limbs were thinking of suicide and have found hope in their lives. They have found something that helps them fit into society and live normal and happy lives after not wanting to live at all.

  10. The pictures on the LIFE website show the hope throughout the world over the past 150 years. A lot of the pictures moved me and made me think about many different things. Looking at the picture labeled Reduced to Mud: Haiti, it made me think how hard it is for people in other countries to have good meal. In Haiti, people could barley afford food and water. This forced them to eat mud cakes with butter and salt mixed into it.

  11. These pictures really make you realize how easy our lives are compared to people from other countries. It is just mind boggling how these people are living like this.

  12. All of these pictures are related to people who suffer everyday. Some lose limbs and some lose family. We all have to know that we are pretty lucky to have a good education, a home, and a safe environment. Some do not realize how other people live throughout the world in places such as Africa. People need to realize that they as well need medical attention in those areas.

  13. I chose the picture of the guy playing soccer on crutches. It is a strong display of symbolism. It symbolizes that even when times are tough and the world is "on crutches" we can all still have a good time and overcome our problems.

  14. I find it hard to believe in one of the pictures the girls parents left her all alone to live by herself when she was 10. Since this girl was left by her parents she hasnt talked and she is now 16. This is astonishing to me that parents could just leave their 10 year old child to fend for herself.

  15. It is horrible to see how the world could be in such despair. It's so strange to see how we could be living such a good life and how other people all over the world are living in poverty and war. It's so sad that people have to live in worry and think about if they're going to surive to the next day. These images are really hard to look at, I could not imagine having to live like that.

  16. I find it horrible that people have to go through such atrocities and need to go through such acts. It’s completely immoral of society to let these completely innocent people have to live in such scenarios. They’re treated as though their lives are irrelevant to the world. They are shot, and brutally treated

  17. It really shocks you when you see pictures like these. Growing up I never really realized all the atrocities that have been going on all around the world. I have been aware of genocides such as the holocaust but I never really understood the true meaning of it. I couldn't even imagine what these people went through or going through today.
