Wednesday, October 13, 2010

React to the film, Full Metal Jacket. Compare the experiences of the soldiers in the film with the war experiences of the Vietanm soldiers in The Things They Carried.
200 words.
DUE: 10/15


  1. In reaction to the film Full Metal Jacket, the experiences of the soldiers in the film are very much like the characters in the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. Some of the men were more caring and sensitive rather than brute and reckless. For example A caring character in the novel was Jimmy cross that cared for the lives of others besides himself. When one of his men died he would blame himself completely and actually cared for someone other than himself. Just like Jimmy cross, Joker cared for others besides himself. When he and his troop killed the Woman sniper they were going to leave her to suffer and die. But Joker being a caring person decided to finish her off so she could die in no pain. One of the Characters from the novel was Rat who was a rough solder always tough and ready to kill. A character from the movie just like him was Animal Mother, who shot at innocent Vietnamese mindlessly. He also was going to leave the sniper to die painfully until Joker killed her. They are also described the same to be big, muscular, and carry a lot of weapons.

  2. I agree with Brendan, Both the characters in the novel The Things They Carried and the characters in Full Medal Jacket resemble each other. Something that happened in both the novel and the movie that stuck out to me was when, Joker from the movie and Tim O’Brien from the novel killed their first Vietnamese soldier. In the Novel they keep repeating what this kid looks like and it really shows how bad O’Brien felt that he had killed this guy. After O’Brien killed the kid people were saying things like, better him then you and more. In the movie we saw the same thing, it kept showing how bad Joker was feeling he was about to kill a small Vietnamese soldier. Finally after he killed the killed it still showed how bad he felt.
