Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, 12/2


Respond to one of the following questions:

How are masks a symbol of the human condition?

Why must man exist in a confused state, unable to hold to certainty?


  1. Man must exist in a confused state unable to hold certainty because the world changes around us every day. Man is confused because they don’t know what tomorrow brings. This is represented by the human condition in Lord of The Flies when the boys arrive at the island they don’t want they are going to do and how they will survive. They overcome their difficulties by creating order and creating a leader for them to follow, however the human condition is overcoming them by chapter five and they return to a confusing state of no order. This shows that they can’t overcome the human condition even though they try pretty hard to create order and some sort of a leader.

  2. Masks are symbols of the human condition because the mask symbolizes the inhabitants that block people from doing what they want to do or being themselves in general. If somebody has a mask, they are more likely to say what they feel because they have no reason to be embarrassed. When Jack paints his face, it’s almost as though he adopts another identity; a more savage human being that set out to kill. The mask represents the human condition because everybody contains their own inhabitants that prevent them from being themselves that a mask could hide. However the mask allows a person to get past their inhabitants and take on a new identity, as Jack did when he painted his face to kill the pig. Humans have a natural sense of shyness that prevents them from being themselves, but once they become someone else, they have nothing stopping them from acting as who they really are as people because their physical appearance isn’t really who they are. It may seem like another person comes out when a mask is put on, like how Jack seemed much more savage, but it could just be digging deeper into a person’s being and pulling out a certain part of them. The face paint brought out Jack’s inner savage.

  3. Man must exist in a confused state unable to hold certainty because things are always subject to change and do not always remain constant. This is represented in Lord of The Flies through Jack being a thought changing hypocrite. In the beginning of the book jack is quoted saying “we will have rules, lots of rules…” and then later in the book when Ralph is saying people must follow the rules and must have the conch to speak and do what they are told Jack says “bollocks to the rules…” contradicting himself and his previous thoughts because things were not certain and were changed. Man must exist in an uncertain state as shown by Ralph because at the start of the novel he was only playing around and was telling Piggy that his dad would save them and all they had to do was wait, but then, as Ralph began to become uncertain of their rescue he started to be a leader and tell them that they had to make a fire, build shelter and find food, completely different from his previous childlike behavior. Man must exist in a confused state unable to hold certainty because if man remained in a certain state there would be no change and no variation to the events that have or will transpire.

  4. Man must exist in a confused state because you never know what’s going to happen in life. There’s always a sense of uncertainty no matter what. But that is what makes life exciting. If you knew everything that was going to happen in life it would be boring. Life is like picking a card out of a deck. For example no matter how confident you are in a game, you never know what the outcome will be. In life things are always changing and you never know what’s going to happen next. Life is a game of chance and nothing is ever certain. No prediction is ever 100 percent probable. Life is full of discovering things and overcoming battles. Every man’s life includes the struggling of discovering their self identity. That is one of life’s most crucial battles. Every man has determination to do something special and pursue their goals. In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the boys stranded on the island are in a world of uncertainty. They are uncertain of what is going to happen everyday. They don’t know if they’ll be rescued of if they’ll be stranded there forever. One of the boys, Ralph, is very confident that his dad is going to save them but one of the other boys, Piggy, reminds him that that is highly unlikely. None of the boys have any clue of what is going to happen.

  5. #2. Men must live in a confused state because if things are always certain then nobody will grow as a person. When people are confused then they try to find a solution or a way to help them be unconfused and in doing this there is process that happened. This process of finding out what the right thing to do helps the person grow mentally. Also every person has a different way of doing things and there own ideas so as all different people are living in a confused state and trying to find things out more ideas are from. For example when the kids first land on the island they are very confused and don’t know what to do. Nothing is certain at this point like, where they are or if they’ll every get rescued. Since the kids are confused to try to make this certain and stable they try to make rules. Piggy Ralph and Jack are the main character and are all confused when they arrive and because of this they all have different ideas that help to create there “society” and they come up with rules and the conch idea together. Also jack was the only person to come up with the hunting plan but since not everyone thought that hunting would be the only source of food they decided to go out a look for berries and fruit. If everyone thought that hunting would be a certain way of eating then they would all starved because as Jack realized hunting was very hard. All the other kids had other ideas in the confused disorderly state and thought that looking for fruit would be better and when they came together both of there ideas worked out really well for the kids. If everything was certain then we would all live in a lifeless boring society that has no ideas or confusion.

  6. Masks are a symbol of the human condition because the masks make the boys able to separate themselves from one another and society itself. They are able to lose their identities behind the masks, hide from each other and able to become something else. One example that exemplifies this idea is when Jack kills the pig by slitting its throat. He is wearing a painted veil over his face to detach himself from the fact that he is murdering the pig with his own hands. The mask protects him from the reality and his own emotion that he might have experienced otherwise. When he describes what he had done to the pig to Ralph he twitches in the process. This could be interpreted as Jack realizing how gruesome killing the pig actually was and that he might feel remorse. Another way you could describe this is Jack loosing a part of him and becoming more of a savage and father from civilization.

  7. Masks cover up humans’ morals as well as their face. Humans have morals because they fear what others will think of them based on their actions. Humans can feel embarrassment or fear if their morals aren’t the same as with societies. So to cover up their fear and embarrassment they cover up what they are normally like with a different ego or a “mask”. If one has an alter ego like Jack he can do things he wouldn’t normally do. And not feel like he’s being judged by others. Once Jack feels prevented without his mask, but with it he feels enabled to become a savage and have a new ego.

  8. Masks are a symbol of the human condition because it can cover your true identity. “Masks” are way of hiding and protecting people from society. For example, a robber wears a mask so the police or anyone won’t know who he is. In the novel The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, most of the characters in the novel wear mask. As the novel progresses, the boys start to reveal their masks. Being isolated from society the boys start to release their inner violence and evil. There are no adults to keep the boys in order so everyone goes insane. Ralph reminisces his old life, he had clean hair that was cut well, and he had clean clothes and many luxuries. Now the boys don’t have any of that; their hair, clothes, teeth are all dirty. Their true inner self comes out when they are chasing the pig to kill it for food because there is practically nothing else to eat on the island.

  9. How are masks a symbol of the human condition?

    Masks show an example of the human condition, because once a person puts on a mask all there inhabitations disappear. In the lord of the flies Jack painted his face which enabled him to kill the pig, although if he wasn’t wearing a mask he wouldn’t have done so. On Halloween many people dress up in costumes and end up doing a lot of mischief, even though they wouldn’t do if they weren’t in costumes. This shows an example of the human condition because it explains why we act so savage when in a costume or mask. The human condition is the reason why we do things.

  10. Masks are a symbol of the human condition because a lot of people don’t want you to see who they truly are. They live under this “mask” to keep themselves hidden or even protected from the rest of the world and society. It covers your true self identity so you can’t discover their secrets. In the novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, many of the characters have their very own “mask”. But as the novel progresses, each boy begins to shed their masks and show some of the inner violence and evil that they all contain in them. Jack is a great example of this because at first he is just an arrogant leader of the choir, who becomes friends with Ralph, who is the leader. Soon, Jack begins to hunt and his entire character changes. Yes, from the beginning he wasn’t the nicest kid around, but the evil continued to grow in him. He began to ruthlessly kill pigs for meat, becoming so caught up in the hunting that he forgot to keep to some of the rules. He began to not care about being rescued; he was becoming savage and he was bringing some of the others down with him.

  11. Masks are a symbol of the human condition because when people are wearing masks their inhibitions are obsolete which means they are no longer necessary or do not exist. The thing that causes one to be self conscious or perturbed is no longer a challenge when one puts on a mask. Masks are a symbol of the human condition because while wearing a mask one can do things that they wouldn’t normally do while their inhibitions are still in tacked. For example, Jack in the lord of the flies couldn’t kill the pig until he was able to disassemble his inhibitions by painting his face. This shows that Jack was able to kill the pig because he was hiding behind a façade.

  12. The masks symbolize the human condition because humans in general don’t always like to show their true emotions. We sometime like to hide to cover any insecurity, like fear or weakness. This is shown in the novel Lord of the Flies when Jack and hunting boys paint their faces and look into the water at their refection they notice that they look as if they had come out of the war. These boys think of the war as being a game and they see soldiers as being strong and fearless, and when they put these masks on it makes them feel this way also. When jack put the mask on he feels free to be him self because he’s covered. “...the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.” When the boys have been living on the island for a couple of days they become to act more savage and less like civilized human beings. This illustrates the human condition because when a group of boys are stuck on the island alone with no parents their true human instincts kick-in with some of the boys but not all. When jack began to hunt for the pig that’s where they started to paint their faces, and he didn’t want people to think of him as week or scared so he painted his face to show that he was a strong man. When they do this it symbolizes that they are trying to cover their old proper manners, and making it ok to kill another animal and turning into savage like people because they now don’t feel the normal guilt of human instinct.

  13. Masks are a symbol of the human condition. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding masks are used to disguise themselves from the animals on the island. When the boys are hunting they put on red and white clay (face paint). While they were painting their faces Jack states, “For hunting. Like in the war. You know- dazzle paint. Like things trying to look like something else-’ he twisted in the urgency of telling. “- Like moths on a tree trunk.” (57) This relates to the human condition because they are able to live normally and have this other side of them. For example masks on superheroes so that they can have their strength and weaknesses that no one can see and no one can know who they actually are. The mask enables them to have mental power to put aside their weaknesses of killing the pig and their innocence so that they can become somewhat savagely and improper which they didn’t have these characteristic when they got to the island. When they landed on the island they were proper innocent children from England but as they stayed on the island for a while they became savages. This is why they painted their face while hunting the pigs on the island.

  14. How are masks a symbol of the human condition? Masks act as a symbol of the human condition because without masks humans may not act as they would with a mask on. Humans have certain morals that they live by and with. When humans do not wear the masks they act differently based on society and what is accepted in society. With these masks on humans forget about their morals and what society may think of them and choose to act differently. An example of this in the novel The Lord of the Flies is when Jack paints his face with clay and he becomes a new person. “A rounded patch of sunlight fell on his face and a brightness appeared in the depths of the water. He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger.” This quote represents the human condition because before Jack put the paint on his face he was scared to kill another being. Now that he has put the clay on his face he is a new person and is not frightened to kill the pig.

  15. The reason masks are a symbol of human condition is because through out life you will be forced to face certain situations in which you as yourself won’t be able to handle, and that’s why you wear a mask. In life sometimes people pretend to be something of which they aren’t just so they may seem either more superior or confident and leader like. In the novel The Lord of The Flies, Ralph takes on the role of the tough strong leader who isn’t afraid of anything. But in the novel Ralph gets scared and is afraid to go by himself at first but wont admit it until Jack actually asks him if he is scared and since Ralph was the leader and didn’t want to seem like a baby he had volunteered to go on a journey to find the beastie. “I’m chief. Ill go. Don’t argue” he turned to the others “you. Hide here. Wit for me” (94) Ralph thinks since he is chief that he has to do everything and almost wear a mask because he acts more of leader while he should be one of the followers.

  16. Man must exist in a confused state because nothing in life is certain. If all
    situations were assured then no one would grow as a person. People learn from their mistakes and develop as life goes on. Confusion is essential to everyday day life because it makes you think, and a persons true colors show in a serious situation. If everything was perfect,
    no one would know the real you. Not knowing the real you can cause problems for the future. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, the boys were
    certain to where they were going to on the plane, but when they arrived to a stranded island they became baffled and unsure what to do. “How many of us are here?” “I don’t know.” (14). This quote shows how The boys didn’t know what to do when they first arrived, they were full of Questions, they were so shocked and puzzled. As time went on all the children got to learn everyone’s true personality. They got to realize who each other really was because they were in a tough situation. Therefore, confusion makes a man who they really are. Society wouldn’t be as complex as it is today without confusion.

  17. People act differently when no one is watching. People also know others by their face and how they look. But, put a mask on the face and you won’t know who they are or how they look. For example, a man who robs a bank is a different person because of the mask that they wear. The man would have been easily caught if he didn’t wear a mask. The point is that people act differently when they aren’t identified as who they really are. “He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own, behind which jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness. The face of red and white and black swung through the air and jigged toward Bill. Bill started up laughing; then suddenly he fell silent and blundered away through the bushes. Jack rushed toward the twins. ‘The rest are making a line. Come on! I’ll creep up and stab…’ The mask compelled them.” This large quote explains how the mask made him act like he is a murderer.

  18. Thomas Shay Cole:

    Masks are a symbol of the human condition because they allow people to be someone or something else for a period of time. The mask allows the person wearing to come out of his or her shell easier then they would do normally. During the novel the boys paint their faces when they go to hunt the pig, this not only hides them from the pig but also lets them to become someone else and to almost become warriors in a war between them and the pigs. Sometimes people aren’t themselves because they feel if they are then people will make fun of them but when the mask goes on they feel like they can be who they really are without being mad fun of or maybe even talk to someone that they were to shy to talk to before. When jack puts the mask on he becomes a savage and because of that he feels he can kill the pig and not feel guilty after. Like at the beginning of the book Jack couldn’t kill the pig because he was to afraid but later on he becomes a killing machine. As you can see it is beginning to rub off on Ralph.

  19. Veronica Praca:
    Man must exist in a confused state because nothing in life is certain. There will always be uncertainty and obstacles throughout a lifetime that will be hard to overcome. Man cannot hold on to certainty because things are always changing. What is the right thing to do? There is no exact answer to that question; it’s just what man personally thinks would be the right thing to do. Every person on earth has a different way of thinking and different views on everything. Man exists in a confused state throughout life, trying to figure out what they’re supposed to be doing and how to overcome their struggles. Nothing in life is certain except change. An example of this would be the novel The Lord Of the Flies by William Golding. In the novel the boys are used to going to school and having their parents choose life for them, they had no idea what to expect when their plane crashed into the unknown island in the middle of nowhere. The boys struggled because in their society, things they’d need to know and do would be no help to their situation at that point. The boys are living a complex lifestyle now compared to their simple planned out lives before. The boys are confused and uncertain about how they can survive and be rescued. This is an example of why man exists in a confused state and life is full of uncertainties because they never would have thought they’d be there. In the novel Ralph thinks his father will come and save them, this shows him being innocent and not understanding that his father has no idea where Ralph and the other boys are. If everything in life was what we’re expecting then life would be boring, our society wouldn’t be as complex and our lives would be planned out. Man exists in confusion and uncertainty because everyone has different thoughts, ideas and how they want to live their lives.

  20. Masks are a symbol of human conditions in many traditions. In the novel The Lord of the Flies masks are very symbolic of the human condition. Boys in the novel paint their faces and change their appearance enabling them to act freely, or so they feel. Once the boys are din their masks they feel they can do things they couldn’t before. For example after the boys paint their faces they normally go hunting and they kill an animal. Different things in the novel can symbolize the human condition and the mask is just among many. Through William Golding’s incredible use of imagery he is able to exhibit the human condition. William Golding uses his imagery to describe fire in the novel and basically contrasts it to war and the boys. When Golding does this it forebodes evil in the boys. Through Golding’s imagery you can tell throughout the novel that there will be evil. Golding uses many things in the novel as a symbol of the human condition and a mask is among.

  21. Las máscaras son un símbolo de las condiciones humanas en muchas tradiciones. En la novela El Señor de las Moscas de las máscaras son muy simbólicos de la condición humana. Los niños en la novela pintan la cara y cambiar su apariencia lo que les permite actuar libremente, o para que se sientan. Una vez que los chicos son din sus máscaras sienten que pueden hacer cosas que no podía antes. Por ejemplo, después de los chicos se pintan la cara que normalmente ir a cazar y matar a un animal. cosas diferentes en la novela puede simbolizar la condición humana y la máscara es sólo entre muchos. A través del uso increíble William Golding de las imágenes es capaz de mostrar la condición humana. William Golding, utiliza su imaginación para describir el fuego en la novela y, básicamente, que contrasta con la guerra y los niños. Cuando Golding hace que presagia el mal en los niños. A través de las imágenes de Golding se puede decir en toda la novela que no habrá mal. Golding utiliza muchas cosas en la novela como un símbolo de la condición humana y una máscara es una de las.
