Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, 12/2


Respond to one of the following questions:

How are masks a symbol of the human condition?

Why must man exist in a confused state, unable to hold to certainty?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lord of the Flies, William Golding

the expression by means of a symbolic representation using fictional figures/actions of truths or generalizations about human existence.

When a story has a "surface story" that is symbolic of a deeper meaning........

HOMEWORK: Complete reading chapter one
Bring in symbols: We will discuss the power of using an everyday object and having it represent an idea.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Animoto produces beautifully orchestrated, completely unique video pieces from your photos, video clips and music.

Click on the image to begin!

ASSIGNMENT: Create your own unique video incorporating the following:

> Motif of novel: The Things They Carried -or- The Color of Water
> 10 images
> 5 text boxes
> soundtrack

DUE: Tuesday, 11/9

Create your own unique video incorporating the following:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday 11/1
Complete test-debate

Tuesday 11/2
No school for students

Wednesday 11/3

Thursday 11/4

Friday 11/5
Test-Analysis due